Over the years our dispaly has changed significantly. It has grown to be quite bright and extreme. We have added lots of different features Some large some small. Some have been used year after year and some not so much.
Over the years our dispaly has changed significantly. It has grown to be quite bright and extreme. We have added lots of different features Some large some small. Some have been used year after year and some not so much.
This picture was taken In 2012 with all the lights on. This is showing all 52,700 lights light on at the same time. It is really quite bright if you haven't seen them in person.
/a> This year we narrowed up the base of the Megatree a bit. We also added a set of guy wires after 2011's heap-o-megatree on 1/2/12. The reflection in the window looks pretty cool !
2011 the Shooting stars were ditched because the ropeight keeps failing. We added more blowmolds to the display to make up for it.
In 2010 we increased our channel count to 288. With plans on using all of them. We didn't. We have plans to do it in the future. The sequences even have all the new stuff in there, just no lights to go with them...Flying Santa was changed from a flat wire frame to a 3D set of blowmolds. He looks much better and still fly well!
Every year we add something a little more. For 2008 we added more channels of control for a total of 192! In 2008 we were on Channel 4 news! We had a lot of visitors after that.
Arches!! 2007 Was the first year for our animated arches. Each one has 800 lights and uses 8 channels of control. They can add a lot of motion to a light show. They have to be handled with care during the off season otherwise they won't light up properly the next year. They look like someone smiling with a tooth missing....
2006 was our first year animated. We started off with 64 channels of Light O Rama(LOR) control. We use a PC to run LOR software which sends the commands to the LOR controllers located in strategic locations throughout the yard. It takes a lot of planning, work, and time to create an animated Christmas light display.
In 2005, Santa had a runway on the roof to land on. We didn't want him to miss our house! It was also the year we covered the front of the house with lights. In 2005 Greg Giles, a friend from work, showed me a video. This video was made by Carson Williams in Mason, Ohio. Greg asked "why aren't you doing this?" I replied, I had never thought about it. That's when Bazillion Lights came to life! I worked all year to bring the show to life. We've been doing it ever since.
This is how everything looked in 2003. This was the first year that we had our a digital camera. In 1999,2000,2001,2002,2004 The pictures have gone missing. We will try to find some to complete the history of Bazillion lights.